Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

January 2021

This Equals That

Aimed at children ages five and up, this clever and surprising picture book by artists and collaborators, Jason Fulford and Tamara Shopsin, takes young viewers on a whimsical journey while teaching them associative thinking and visual language, as well as colors, shapes and numbers. Through a simple narrative and a rhythmic sequence of photographs, the book generates multiple meanings, making the experience of reading the book interactive—parent and child must ask questions and com

February 2024

Lullaby and last goodbye

Lullaby and last goodbye is an autobiographical photobook that, through the use of archive and original images, deals with the themes of mourning, the reworking of mourning through photographic research and the relationship between fathers and sons. As I look at the photographs taken by my father and revisit the places of my childhood hidden in my memory, I regain awareness of my relationship with my parents, our life and how my childhood was not

April 2020


The idea of ​​a perverse and evil human nature has always dominated the western imagination, fueling the belief that only strong social institutions such as the State can subjugate it and make coexistence possible. But this hierarchical and unequal vision has moreover placed a heavy mortgage on the future of humanity, precisely because it claims that there is a human nature, that it is universal and that therefore its realization must be guaranteed. On the

March 2020


This book offers a panorama of electronic music through the exploration of its history, its imagination, its innovations and its connections with other arts. It is the very first work devoted to codes and cultures of electro, by passionate observers and artists involved in this movement. Electronic dance music, whose founding genres are house and techno, was born over thirty years ago in Chicago and Detroit thanks to the talent of black American musicians and

June 2020


After The Americans, The Lines of My Hand is arguably Robert Frank’s most important book and without doubt the publication that established his autobiographical, sometimes confessional, approach to bookmaking. The book was originally published by Yugensha in Tokyo in 1972, and this new Steidl edition, made in close collaboration with Robert Frank, follows and updates the first US edition by Lustrum Press of 1972.  The Lines of My Hand is structured chronologically and present

May 2023

Look at me like you love me

In Look at me like you love me, Jess T. Dugan reflects on desire, intimacy, companionship, and the ways our identities are shaped by these experiences. In this highly personal collection of work, Dugan brings together self-portraits, portraits of individuals and couples, and still life, interwoven with diaristic writings reflecting on relationships, solitude, family, loss, healing, and the transformations that define a life. Dugan has long used photography to understand their own identity and to