Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

April 2020


"The presumption that what exists must necessarily exist is the corrosive acid of any imaginative thought." Murray Bookchin In this long twilight of representative democracy, the very idea of ​​politics - once the active participation of an entire community in social life - risks losing all relevance precisely because it has been reduced to a mere technique of state organization, moreover entrusted to groups of "professionals" - politicians, of course, but also bureaucrats, magistrates, soldiers, etc. - who practice a form of institutional

January 2021

Mousse Magazine n.73

" The best penis is the one that's not actually there; the nastiest joke is the one you don't get"  - Kristian Vistrup Madsen   ÇA M’EST ÉGAL: THE INVOLUTION OF DESIRE Estelle Hoy HERVÉ GUIBERT How to Dissect God? Pierre-Alexandre Mateos and Charles Teyssou JULIEN NGUYEN New Pictures for the Old Ceremony: Julien Nguyen’s Floating World Mónica Belevan HEDI EL KHOLTI A Melancholic Dance of Joy, One Cut at a Time

July 2023


Snaturamenti is both the object and the device of the book of Flatform, a collective artist working on the border between contemporary art and cinema. Transitional states of various types - spatial or temporal, geographical or historical, phenomenological or climatic -  and the notion of landscape as a complex network of connections between human beings and other species form the base of their artistic and philosophical research practice. These questions become the very mechanism of deconstruction and reconstruct

June 2020


“What is the task we want the photographer to perform? Can we consider an image solely as it is shown to us? How do we reveal ourselves through our photographs?" Over the past few years we have seen the concept of photography downsized to guarantee the reality represented. This book analyzes some aspects of contemporary photography as 'staging' and as mass practice, encouraging those who work with images to be aware creators of reality.

March 2021

Alfa – Beta

The first edition of Alfa-Beta, was published in 1964 by Progresso Grafico and distributed by G.B. Paravia & C. The cover price was 5,000 Italian liras. This book is a testament to Aldo Novarese’s overall work and design ethos. It is a highly specific vision of the discipline, written by a practitioner, describing the evolution of writing. He stakes no claim on completeness or scientific rigor, but rather outlines the field in a highly fun

October 2021

Devoir de Mémoire / A Biography of Disappearance

As many as 20,000 people disappeared in Algeria in the decade following the cancellation of the 1992 general election. Using the testimony of the families of some of those who have disappeared, Omar D’s photographs present the places where events occurred, their relationship to the surrounding urban and rural landscapes and the lives of those who have been affected. Ultimately, these images seek to prevent a repressive state from obliterating the memory of so many of