Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

November 2021

Documents on Raphael

“Investigating the transformative ability of photography, Graziani highlights the altered nature of his subjects. In practice, none of them correspond to the work that appeared to Raphael’s eyes, yet in any case we are dealing with the result of different events and modifications occurring over the course of time. From restorations, renovations, and reconstructions to ex novo realizations based on original plans, these projects indicate the distance between past and present.” —Francesco Zanot D

July 2020


The book explores Wurm’s eclectic practice. In addition to bringing together some 600 photographs from the late 1980s to the present, this exhaustive compilation includes original contact sheets and prints from the artist’s personal archive that have never been seen before. It examines the artistic process through which Wurm created many of his major works and series, from his “Dust Sculptures” and “Fabio Getting Dressed” to his influential “One-Minute Sculptures,” and also features his

May 2023

Right to Believe

Right to Believe by Fyodor Telkov, a Russian photographer, describes some religious communities of the Old Believers. Russian religious movement that opposed the choices of their country's Orthodoxy by continuing to practice the ancient practices of the Russian Church prior to the reforms taking effect by never rejoining the official Orthodox Church. More than 80 photos show how strong and deep their right to believe in the ancient practices.      

October 2020

Fake Flowers in Full Colour

Is it possible to create a three dimensional colour separation? That was the question that triggered Jaap Scheeren and Hans Gremmen to start this experiment. A bouquet of fake flowers was arranged as a starting and striving point. The next step was to create four still lifes of this bouquet: one in cyan, one in magenta, one in yellow and one in black. These still lifes were photographed and merged into one image. In the

September 2021

Ecologia e psicogeografia

In these essays, written by Debord between 1955 and 1988, we find more than thirty years later another of his brilliant intuitions, namely the prefiguration of a society in which the necessary fight against pollution would soon take on a state and regulatory character that would only serve to create new specializations, new departments, new bureaucracies... Thus, against the background of the famous Situationist critique of the society of the spectacle, another equally implacable one is outline

May 2023


First Skin gathers together paintings, material from the artist’s archives around the process of the emergence of affective elements at the origin of memory. Ilaria Miotto’s research, starting from the theme of memory seen as a psychic function of mental representation, explores the boundaries of the imaginary geographies of sensations that anticipate and underlie every structure of thought and language. The works follow one another as fragments, signs and relics to narrate the