Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

June 2023

Utopie dattilotessili

Utopie dattilotessili is a collaboration between the Sardinian artist Davide Tocco and Oreri-Iniziativa Editoriale. The book includes reproductions of 100 graphic works created by Davide Tocco between 2017 and 2022 with his Olivetti Dora. It also features a conversation by Fiammetta Pani and Ilaria Pisanu, an essay by Wu Ming 1, a glossary by Federico Antonini and Marta Veronese, and a conversation between the editors (Luca Carboni and Andrea Garcés) and Davide Tocco.  This bilingual edition (Italian-English) of

May 2024


"The Anemone, the Clownfish and Dr. Song“ is a dive down into the magical world of acrobatic fish, living hairdos and fathers that turn into mothers. A beautiful story told by marine biologist and fish specialist Dr. Song. This book is collaboration of Chinese marine biologist Song He and Swiss artist Nico Krebs, who became friends during an artist residency at Kaust University by the Red Sea. Together with Graphic Designer Sarah Infanger and Illus

December 2020

Greater Atlanta

Mark Steinmetz completes his powerful and moving trilogy, South, with Greater Atlanta. Photographing in Atlanta and its outlying regions, Steinmetz provides his testimony on contemporary American civilization. Combining portraits and landscapes, he weaves a symbolic and lyrical investigation that subtly questions notions of progress. He further develops motifs — on the automobile, on the telephone — that were first introduced in South Central, and catalogues car culture, fast food, convenience stores, and suburban sprawl. “South is an

December 2021

A folktale from vietnam

A Folktale From Vietnam: Speeding Motorcycles and Roasted Lemongrass is the result of eight years of research and the production of a series of photographs taken in 2013, 2015 and 2018 during Gianpaolo Arena’s travels through Vietnam. Both the photographs and the essays examine the complex bond between landscape and human civilization. In this sprawling sequence of urban growth, places and portraits we find continual antitheses of periods and customs that sometimes clash, at others meld. Thi

October 2020


In Wüstungen, Anne Heinlein (b. 1977) and Göran Gnaudschun (b. 1971) delve deep into recent German history. Between 1952 and 1988, the authorities razed more than a hundred villages, farms, hamlets, and homesteads on East German territory near the border with West Germany. The structures were in the way of a clear field of fire, difficult to guard, or simply too close to the line of demarcation. The people who lived there were forcibly resettled, forever los

April 2020


Family and school have always been considered the places par excellence where boys and girls, boys and girls, acquire an education. Colin Ward instead decides to explore a particular aspect of education that goes beyond these institutions: accident. Here then the urban streets, meadows, woods, spaces for games, school buses, school toilets, shops and craft shops are transformed into vital places capable of offering extraordinary educational opportunities. This informal education, aimed at creativity and res