Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

December 2020


With their eye for detail and texture, the idiosyncratic work of Zuijderwijk/Vergouwe takes viewers on a journey of discovery. The attention of the viewer is caught by elements like verticality, mystery and a fairytale-like signature. The fascination for the human conception of nature makes Zuijderwijk/Vergouwe constantly looking for subjects that meet these two aspects and merge into a rewarding end result that is free of prejudice.

December 2020

The Nature of Imitation

"While understanding photography as a craft as well as an art, she pushed against its limitations. A painting or a drawing, unlike a photograph, is not bound to its subject. In the studio, an artist is free to take creativity wherever it leads… For Yola, birds are a metaphor for her photography—for the ability to fly into freedom while remaining, at times, captured or tethered."

June 2020


One common feature of the wave of recent revolutions and revolts around the world is not political but rather architectural: many erupted on inner-city roundabouts.  In thinking about the relation between protest and urban form, Eyal Weizman starts with the May 1980 uprising in Gwangju, South Korea, the first of the “roundabout revolutions,” and traces its lineage to the Arab Spring and its hellish aftermath. Rereading the history of the roundabout through the vortice

May 2019


From basic sustenance to the most appetizing dishes, food awakens the senses and touches private and public life. It can be political, religious, aspirational, commercial, creative, symbolic, national and regional. The complexity of the shapes and meanings of food - and the fact that it is often at hand - have made it a much photographed subject throughout the history of photography. In recent years the interest of photography in food has increased, and this represents the first book

November 2020

Post-Digital Print

In this post-digital age, digital technology is no longer a revolutionary phenomenon but a normal part of everyday life. The mutation of music and film into bits and bytes, downloads and streams is now taken for granted. For the world of book and magazine publishing however, this transformation has only just begun. Still, the vision of this transformation is far from new. For more than a century now, avant-garde artists, activists and technologists have bee

September 2019


Le visionarie collect twenty-nine stories that outline the contours of a world that is futuristic, disturbing, dreamlike or just plain strange. These are stories that range from science fiction to fantasy, from horror to weird fiction, written by women who have made the history and present of fantastic fiction, and who encounter a taste for the invention of other worlds and feminist reflection. The result is a kaleidoscope of imaginary stories that, in an une