Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

March 2020


On the one hand Jacques Herzog believes that architecture is made to be experimented, on the other an artist like Jeff Wall tries to understand how to take advantage of any errors in his photographs. We expect images from a photographer - says Herzog - but perhaps architecture was not expected to start thinking in terms of images. Here are the premises of a fascinating conversation in which we talk about: art and architecture, elements common to the two disc

June 2021

Erna Helena Ania

We are on the Polish-German border during the final stages of World War II. A German woman fell madly in love with a Polish man. At that time it was unthinkable to have any kind of relationship between people belonging to enemy nations; violating the rule would have led to immediate arrest if not even to murder, if this had been discovered. The woman became pregnant and, in order to carry the pregnancy, she was

February 2020


While the search for the new is rooted in our human nature, we privately entertain ourselves with the pleasure of routine because it gives us the assurance of controlling and therefore dominating time... at least for the moment. In keeping with the poetics of his previous works, in A Swimming Pool, Tagliaferri immerses us in his love–hate relationship with routine: on the one hand, he attempts to escape from it, but on the other,

May 2019


A new book in the Quaderni series following on from Prima del diulvio and Tutto va a Fuoco. Venti Oceanici is presented as a logbook, where the image of the sea is always the same yet always different and inscrutable. The sea eternity caught by the obsessive repetition of the photographs is a pretext for reflection and search for meaning about life. Photos, design and handcrafted realization by Valentino Barachini. Poems by Matilde Vittoria

March 2023

Swim till I sank

"What happens to journalistic reportage photographs when the news is published, outdated and years of new news put distance between the shot and the life of the image?" This seems to be the question Gabriele Stabile asks himself when, after more than a decade, he reopens his archive and begins his creative journey with the photographs deposited there, transforming them into the plates you see as you leaf through the book. The photographer's creative action, like

June 2021

La troisième calamité

Simon Boudvin's work around grids took the form of photographs but also of drawings and texts. These creations highlight singular patterns made from identical graphic elements but variously assembled: basic geometric elements such as the rectangle, the rhombus and the circle. Previous works by Simon Boudvin also testify to the intersection between art and architecture and a practice open to a multitude of mediums (photography, drawing, sculpture and texts), and materials (plaster, glas