Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

October 2021

The Long Way Home of Ivan Putnik, Truck Driver

The Long Way Home of Ivan Putnik, Truck Driver is a collection of photographs and notes on the surroundings of remote Siberian roads and towns. Presented as an archive from a truck driver named Ivan Putnik, the photographs are actually made by various amateur photographers who uploaded the photospheres to Google Street View. Fascinated by the visual variety, Vaste Programme (IT) recontextualized the images to create a fictional story. Apart from showing life in a r

November 2021

Giacomo Calò – Il mio sogno

Il Mio Sogno was born from a collection of hundreds of small yellowed photographs discovered at the flea market of Piazza Marina in Palermo. These are portraits taken from the years after the Second World War in Sicily and then around the world crossing oceans and the years of the Italian economic miracle. They are the autobiography of Giacomo Calò, who from the small fishing village of Arenella (Palermo) embarked as a waiter on cru

June 2021

Tyndo De Thouars

To the east of the city of Thouars, near the Prince of Wales' tower, the seneschal Louis Tyndo built the first part of his private mansion. Each century, a new wing was added to the large Renaissance house to accommodate a new use: housing, barracks, prison, school, socio-cultural center. Today, the building is being renovated to house the Conservatory of Music and Dance. The time of this reconversion is an opportunity to inventory wha

November 2020

Robin redbreast’d Territory/ Sculpture 1969

Robin Redbreast's Territory is a book documenting a 1969 installation in an Amsterdam park by Jan Dibbets, who observed and highlighted the movements of a robin through a series of photographs. The book, published in 1970, is Dibbets’ only Artist’s book. After learning about the habits of robins, Jan Dibbets decided to extend the territory of one robin, setting new boundaries with poles that the bird would perch on; in this way, the robin participa

November 2022

If I call stones blue it is because blue is the precise word

If I Call Stones Blue, It Is Because Blue Is The Precise Word is Joselito Verschaeve’s way to tell a story with the day-to-day encounters he experiences and relate them to the subjects that he’s invested with. By walking in between themes of literature, history, natural phenomena, and dystopia the artist creates images that can live in different contexts and that are able to carry the fictional narrative he’s portraying. Part of

May 2019


What exactly is the tactile, in a world in which a rising technocracy exploits the designed environment we feel? Who authorises and who writes, what tradition do we stand in and how can we touch base? Presenting artists in the practice of making and thinkers in the development of thought here and now, we connect to tactile characteristics, guided by a specific focus on graphic, printed matter.