Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

March 2020


“Stickybeak” is Julie Cockburn’s first comprehensive monograph. The book coincides with Cockburn’s solo show “Telling it slant” at Flowers Gallery in London, UK (12 September-2 November 2019) We are all stickybeaks to some extent. Many of my fictional heroes and heroines spend their time sleuthing or, at the very least, nosing around in other people’s business; Miss Marple, Lieutenant Columbo, Margo Leadbetter. There are even tales of espionage in my not so distant fa

February 2019


Taking its title from an old Roman architectural term for a small circular or oval window or the round openings found at the center of domes. Often an oculus allows a concentrated beam of light into an otherwise dark interior and so is threshold between a world of light and one of shadow. The images are a dream-state, rich with ambiguity and metaphor; A flower, silhouetted, becomes epic and architectural. A

June 2021


Romanistan is the Luca Vitone's journey diary to retrace backwards, from Bologna to Chandigarh, the path of Rom and Sinti from north-western India to Italy. On the traces of a migration that took place between the 8th and 14th centuries, the artist studied Romani culture in detail. Vitone is interested in nomadism and the identity of ethnic minorities through an analysis of cultural productions - art, cartography, music, food - as elements of knowledge between people of different c

June 2020


This Is Mars offers a previously unseen vision of the red planet. Located somewhere between art and science, the book brings together for the first time a series of panoramic images recently sent back by the U.S. observation satellite MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter). Since its arrival in orbit in 2006, MRO and its HiRISE telescope have been mapping Mars’s surface in a series of exceptionally detailed images that reveal all the beauty of thi

June 2019


The Atlas of Sculptural Situations is a series of spontaneous publications that try to make a variety of public spaces aesthetically and politically tangible. The approach happens through drawings and photographs that document, describe, analyse, shape, move and evolve the space in question. This is about the search for the sculptural conditions of what reality provides and the historically invisible. About how we can react to urban space in a situational-spatial and perform

November 2021


Made over the course of 10 years, ‘Oyster’ is a visual diary compiled by Marco Marzocchi as clues to understand his absent parents. At times bordering on frustration and violence, his images express his search for a ‘culprit’, a cause for his dysfunctional childhood environment. Using archival and original imagery, the artist ransacks the past to build a presence in a process of forgiving and letting go, as a quest to find love and healing. The