Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

March 2020


Miguel Benasayag alerts us to the major risk that algorithms pose for our democracies while big data is in the process of deciding the directions of the world. It is on a daily basis that collective life is insidiously "taken over" by machines: surveillance software coupled with cameras, predictive justice, marketing monitoring of our every move on the internet to develop purchasing predictions ... It is not however technophobic that the author denounces the colonization of the living, awar

May 2020


This photographic projects starts from the need to face a reality that is difficult to accept for a 24 years old girl, a reality made up of hospital races, a continous search for a diagnosis, pains, medicines, physiotherapy, many unaswered questions and continous deterioration. Naiade at the beginning was born as diary of what i was and I am still living and then trasnformed ino a photographic book that uses images instead of words, to exp

October 2021

Taking a Line for a Walk

Assignments can give instructions, describe an exercise, present a problem, set out rules, propose a game, stimulate a process, or simply throw out questions. Taking a Line for a Walk brings attention to something that is often neglected: the assignment as a pedagogical element and verbal artefact of design education. This book is a compendium of 224 assignments, edited by Nina Paim and coedited by Emilia Bergmark. A reference book for educators, researchers, and students ali

June 2024


In the fall of 1977, Jack Lueders-Booth began teaching photography to the inmates of MCI Framingham, a women’s prison.    During his decade at the facility, he would make a series of Polaroid images produced collaboratively with the women who lived in the prison. 32 of these images are presented in this new book alongside oral histories taken at the time by Booth.   Founded in 1878, MCI Framingham was open

January 2020


Belgrade, 1974: Marina Abramović set fire to a monumental five-pointed star, the symbol of the Tito regime, and lay down inside it until she was overcome by the fumes and fell unconscious. Naples, one year later: the artist challenged the public to use any of the objects laid out on a table on her resolutely passive body and one spectator pointed a loaded gun at her throat. New York, 2002: she lived and fasted for twelve day

November 2021

Sleep Creek

‘Sleep Creek’ is a landscape filled with trauma and beauty. It’s a place where animals are only seen when they’re being hunted and humans balance between an unapologetic existence and an abyss of secrecy. These images manipulate a landscape that is simultaneously autobiographical, documentary, and fictional: a weaving of myth and symbol in order to be confronted with the experiential. Following the rituals of those within it, ‘Sleep Creek’ is an obsession bet