Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

January 2024


“A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse”, William Shakespeare had the British King Richard III cry out on the battlefield. A Bedouin legend has it that Allah took a handful of a south wind, gave it his breath and created the horse, “that will fly without wings and conquer without sword.” Over time the horse has been generously described by poets and writers. Horses made a vital contribution to the history

November 2021

FUORI!!! 1971-1974.

With a powerful exclamation and a comic bomb on the cover, FUORI!!! is a book that makes accessible for the first time after 50 years the pages of FUORI!, the legendary magazine published by the Fronte Unitario Omosessuale Rivoluzionario Italiano (United Front of Italian Revolutionary Homosexuals). It is edited by Carlo Antonelli and Francesco Urbano Ragazzi for NERO Editions. Adding two exclamation marks to the original title, FUORI!!! brings FUORI! back to the present day, put

November 2020

Considérations sur la philosophie expérimentale (ciel)

Margaret is well known for having written the proto-science fiction novel The Blazing World, in which she imagines one of the first—if not the first—physically reachable extraterrestrial world (through the North Pole). However, she extensively wrote on nature, science and philosophy, a body of work lesser known and left untranslated. If we sometimes need to get over the convoluted argumentations of her writings, the selected short texts are sufficient to seize a sig

March 2024

ALEA – 2 / Fatica

Fatigue, both as a physical and structural condition and as a socio-cultural metaphor of the present, constitutes an elusive anthropological object, obscure and precisely for this reason worthy of attention. Far from being a 'merely' human problem, fatigue permeates the bodily, historical and social vicissitudes of the varied living worlds, whether human or non-human - existences that toil, that resist fatigue, that are fatigue. Multiple energies, efforts and tensions spill over into the frictions of the global economy, m

March 2024


Artist’s statement Last spring, I met it for the first time in the mountains: the branches had not grown leaves but were blooming with light yellow stamens while the vines were knotted and twisted. An old man living in the nearby village squinting his eyes, said to me, “This is the Meng flower.” I showed a confused expression in a daze, and he continued, “Meng, the Meng in zuomeng (dreaming).” It was a cloudy

March 2024

The New Designer – Design as a profession Schools of Departure No. 2

The New Designer: Design as a Profession deals with the emergence of the profession of artist and designer after the First World War and its development in the context of industrial production. The volume contains articles on teaching models that were initially tested at schools such as the Design Laboratory, New York, the Škola umeleckých remesiel (ŠUR), Bratislava, the Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG) Ulm and the Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial (ESDI), Rio