Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

April 2020


Claude Cahun and Gillian Wearing came from different backgrounds and were living in different times - about a century apart. Cahun, along with her contemporaries Andre Breton and Man Ray, belonged to the French Surrealist movement although her work was rarely exhibited during her lifetime. Together with her female partner, the artist and stage designer Marcel Moore, Cahun was imprisoned in German-occupied Jersey during the Second World War as a result of her role in the Frenc

February 2022

Sequence as a Dialogue

Since they first travelled to Japan together in 2005, this country has been the key focus of the joint work of Katja Stuke and Oliver Sieber. The two photographers have been tracing the excesses in the country's subculture and pop scene and the pressures in Japanese society, while also seeking to explore urban structures and the interrelation between architectural and social barriers. Their photography is not about capturing a single image. Stuke and Sieber work in s

November 2021

Sleep, Death’s Brother

Sleep, Death’s Brother is an instruction manual on dreaming that is intended for children or incarcerated persons. It enables such individuals to learn to lucid dream and to use their dreams to somewhat escape their situations. Like death, sleep is a kind of boundary, dividing waking life from the realm of dreams. While it is often the case that dream life is passively experienced, acclaimed novelist Jesse Ball (born 1978) reminds that it can be

June 2020


This dictionary of gestures is first of all an obsessive collection of the ways in which our body desperately wants to take part in dialogue, confrontation.It is the attempt to catalog the large number of gestures that we use and that we do not realize; because we really use them all and they are really many. It is also a didactic work that undertakes research with a scientific method.The meaning that the ges

October 2019


Howling Winds is the fifth chapter of Vasantha Yogananthan’s long-term project A Myth of Two Souls, which offers a contemporary retelling of The Ramayana. A seven-chapter tale first recorded by the Sanskrit poet Valmiki around 300 BC, The Ramayana is one of the founding epics of Hindu mythology and has been continuously rewritten and reinterpreted through time. Since 2013, Yogananthan has been travelling from north to south India to Sri Lanka, retracing the itinera

May 2019


This book tells a story about Ethiopia by photos and poems. Ethiopia is seen as the archetype of the relationship between man and land, the promise of life in the city and poverty. This work leaves nothing to aesthetics and unnecessary, and its lyricism is the goal to which it comes through the beaten path. The book is deliberately poor: stitching bound and simply kept in a cardboard box. This work and its gaunt pho