Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

May 2021

1 Milion roses for Angela Davis

A Million Roses for Angela Davis was the motto of a 1970–72 solidarity campaign in East Germany in support of US philosopher, Communist, and Black Power revolutionary Angela Davis, who at the time was being held on terrorism charges in California. The large-scale movement firmly anchored the “heroine of the other America” within the cultural memory of a now-vanished social utopia, which after her acquittal welcomed her as a state guest. For her part, Davis had

November 2021


Lacerazioni is a study about the act of cutting. It is composed of a series of shots that attempt to define the interaction present between an external agent, light in this case, and the support, the material on which the image is present. The cut breaks in, separates, allowing what is outside to enter. It fragments the entirety of the representation, but above all it leaves a mark, just like time. As if to mak

May 2022


"Stiya" is the newest body of work from the Brooklyn based artist, Cole Barash. He uses a unique hyper-focused approach in a study of two pure forms of raw energy, a Nor'Easter storm and the birth of a child. Through composition and sequence, this work considers the experience of these two worlds as one.

June 2020


From 1925 until his death in 1929 the Hamburg-based art and cultural scholar Aby Warburg worked on his Mnemosyne Atlas, a volume of plates that has, in the meanwhile, taken on mythical status in the study of modern art and visual studies. With this project, Warburg created a visual reference system that was far ahead of its time. In cooperation with the Warburg Institute, Roberto Ohrt and Axel Heil have now undertaken the task of finding all

June 2021

Nil Yalter

The first in-depth study of the life and art of Nil Yalter, a pioneer in the French feminist art movement of the 1970s, this book portrays her as an artist who continues to bear witness to the society in which she lives from a critically sensitive viewpoint. Of Turkish origins and having lived in Paris since 1965, she was active in counter-culture and political movements of the time and has experimented in different media i

September 2020

Ideabooks – This Dark Wood

 Elisabeth Tonnard’s  In This Dark Wood is a study of urban alienation in America. In a haunting, modern-gothic style, it pairs images of people walking alone in night time city streets with 90 different English translations, collected by Tonnard, of the famous first lines of Dante’s Inferno: “Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita / mi ritrovai per una selva oscura / ché la diritta via era smarrita.” (“In the middle of the journey of our