Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

March 2024

Weak Signals New Narratives in Art and Technology

Art and technology know lots of tricks. They can spot little sings in different parts of society. These weak signals might show us new trends or big changes coming. They enable us to consider the unknown future not as a threat, but as a resource for new narratives. This little pocket book, edited by Lukas Feireiss and Florian Hadler and designed by Studio Yukiko, playfully identifies some of these "Weak Signals". As a glossary of new t

October 2023

Il terzo sesso. Perché Dio non è maschio e altre questioni di genere

Since its emergence, the human species has been drastically divided in two - indulging in religious, linguistic, cultural and social false pretences and beliefs over the millennia. On the one hand there are the men: strong and resilient bodies, heroes and gods to be enslaved to. On the other, women: weak and fragile bodies, handmaids to serve. This primitive logic ended up being assumed as transcendent law, attributing to nature and God the responsibility for what was

May 2021

Superstudio – Migrazioni ITA

Begun in 1966, Superstudio’s journey led its members to reflect on ways of inhabiting a ‘round and rotating’ world. Superstudio Migrazioni offers a new perspective on the group’s œuvre, described as ‘radical’ by Germano Celant. More than an exhibition catalogue, Superstudio Migrazioni proposes three parallel yet complementary explorations – through texts and interviews, through images and through archives – of the collective journey that pushed architecture to its limits. At first ‘super’ and fundamentally realistic, and

May 2021

Superstudio – Migrazioni ENG

Begun in 1966, Superstudio’s journey led its members to reflect on ways of inhabiting a ‘round and rotating’ world. Superstudio Migrazioni offers a new perspective on the group’s œuvre, described as ‘radical’ by Germano Celant. More than an exhibition catalogue, Superstudio Migrazioni proposes three parallel yet complementary explorations – through texts and interviews, through images and through archives – of the collective journey that pushed architecture to its limits. At first ‘super’ and fundamentally realistic, and

May 2020


When Judith Black moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1979 with her four children, a friend asked her if they were going to be all right there. Frankly, she didn’t know. They had just moved into a dilapidated apartment in a neighborhood that the real estate lady admitted was as good as they were going to find. The small convenience store down the block had “fuck you” fiercely spray painted on the clapboard - a less than e

May 2020


The Internet, the network and digital technologies should have illuminated the world: instead, they have led to a dark pit in which conspiracy theories, mass surveillance, crisis of thought and environmental catastrophes are rampant. But how was it possible that instruments with such great potential finally led us to the threshold of a new dark era, a real digital Middle Ages dominated by increasingly lacerating inequalities and lack of understanding of the world around us?