Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

May 2023

I remember everything

This project combines memories, dreams and wishes, bringing to life that feeling of longing and truthfulness that comes with first loves — like an endless moment suspended in time. The work questions how much of what we remember is real, and how much is a projection of what might have been. Thus, do they look like memories or are they memories? There are photos mixed with hand written words, pieces of paper, flowers. All immaterial, lik

September 2023

All the Whisperings of the World

All the Whisperings of the world examens the visual connections between nature´s vulnerability and the effects of an allergic shock to the body. The artist takes us on a journey to the rainforest areas in South America- the locus of this process is the Brazil nut. The book weaves images via microscope and scientific research with Svendsen´s classic black and white photographs, revealing the human body within an ecosystem of complex interdependency. Rai

May 2019


This is a photobook about acupuncture. The needles draw acupoints and these are joined together as constellations on the body: each point of raid is a contact with the soul. The title means “second door of soul”: this is the translation of a real ancient Chinese acupoint.

February 2024

Sul guardare

Watching language crumble in a work by Magritte. Discovering the same, desperate absence in a screaming face by Bacon and in an anthropomorphic animal by Walt Disney. Look at the thick, black blood in a war photo by Don McCullin. Peering into the abyss that opens in the eyes of an elephant locked behind the bars of a zoo. To look again, ten years later, at Grünewald's altarpiece in Colmar, and recognise one's own

May 2022

Rabbit / Hare

David Billet and Ian Kline made the pictures in Rabbit / Hare on a road trip to Texas. And right away that statement is going to create a certain set of expectations among viewers of this book. Perhaps no other region in the United States comes with such a strong set of preconceived notions. So yes: you’ll see ten-gallon hats, a wayward confederate flag. Even a baptism in a watering trough. But the rea

May 2021

Knit Club

A foreboding meditation in the vein of Southern Gothic literature, Drake’s most recent body of work emerged through her collaboration with an enigmatic group of women loosely calling themselves Knit Club. The nature of the club is ambiguous. It is a cross between a gang, a cult of mysteries, and a group of friends bound by secrets only they share. The book follows a narrative structure loosely borrowed from Faulkner’s As I Lay