Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

April 2020


The manifold entanglements of African and Western culture are a central motif in the oeuvre of the Algerian-French artist Kader Attia. The influence of traditional African architecture on European modernism forms the background for his voluminous spatial installations, videos and photographs, as much as the reappropriation of North and South American black music within African Jazz and Pop of the 1960s up to the 1980s. His work manifests the productivity of dissonance: Where African mas

June 2021

I will survive

The positions adopted by Hito Steyerl in her works and texts are of key importance in any consideration of the contemporary role that art and the museum play in society. They are also crucial to experimental forays into different forms of media presentation and to the critical examination of artificial intelligence and its uses. Over the past thirty years, the artist has been tracking the way camera images have mutated, from the analogue image and

April 2021

Furia di Lama

“This folder contains eight silk-screen prints by Else Edizioni originally made in woodcut. The Furia di Lama project was born in 2016 following the conflicts in the Middle East, the consequent mass migrations and the death of thousands of people in the Mediterranean and other regions of the world. I have used the texts of writers who have spoken out against violence in its many aspects, who have opposed war, who have lived in exil

February 2021

Framing the West: The Survey Photographs of Timothy H. O’sullivan

The image of the untamed American West persists as one of our country’s most enduring cultural myths, and few photographers have captured more compelling images of the frontier than Timothy H. O’Sullivan. Trained under Mathew Brady, O’Sullivan accompanied several government expeditions to the West—most notably with geologist Clarence King in 1867 and cartographer George M. Wheeler in 1871. Along these journeys, O’Sullivan produced many beautiful photographs that exhibit a forthright and rig

December 2023

Mountain of salt

Border closures, flight cancellations, stay-at-home orders; a collective populace clinging to news broadcasts, online analysis, social media, and hearsay. Few times in our living memory had language – however fragmented, misinformed, measured or rhetorical – carried such weight. The early iterations of Mountain of Salt, Bindi Vora’s expansive series of text-based collage works, began to take form in this very context. Comprising found photographs and digital shape collages, each married to phrases and stateme

January 2021


For the calm strength and depth of emotions it conveys, it is the favorite color of most human beings. It is the color of the sea and the sky, and for this reason it has always been the symbol of spirituality and nobility of soul and rank. But blue is also the color of melancholy and of the night, the gateway to unknown dimensions. Loved by all artists, we find it in the Piccole sto