Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

May 2019


In this body of work, Bertien van Manen moves to Ireland. Van Manen says: "At first, working in Ireland, I wasn't sure what I was looking for. My husband was dead. I dispensed with people and reflected on the atmosphere. I was guided by a feeling and a research, a desire for some kind of meaning in a place of myths and legends. There was mystery and infinity at the edge of a land beyond whi

May 2019


The Curious Mr. Pettena tells the journey in several stages, through cities and wide natural spaces, of an architect Gianni Pettena in the early seventies in the United States. The tour begins with the university experience in Minneapolis, to turn out to be an educational and experiential journey to discover the American landscape, seen above all from the car window. In the years of Land Art and the American architectural avant-gardes (with whom he had

May 2020


Karen Knorr’s Gentlemen takes us inside the hallowed halls of the most venerable private gentlemen’s clubs of 1980s London, and considers the patriarchal values of the English upper classes with beautifully precise photographs and texts constructed out of speeches of parliament and the news at that time. The complete series of 26 images and texts investigate the values that ally these classes to conservative aristocratic values where primogeniture (the right by law of

January 2020


In our collective unconscious the nuclear age is synonymous with the explosion of two atom bombs. Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But since 1945 it has been documented that more than 2,000 nuclear bombs have been detonated on Earth. Since the end of the Second World War, countries with nuclear powers methodically bombed their own lands. Self mutilation in the name of self defense. This series’ starting point is the unfamiliar stories and anecdotes around nucl

April 2024

Hello Chaos, a Love Story: The Disorder of Seeing and Being Seen

Kitty, the cute and mute cartoon protagonist of Hello Chaos, a Love Story: The Disorder of Seeing and Being Seen, embarks on an ill-fated endeavour to win the eyes of her estranged counterpart Mickey in this genre-defying book by Charlie Engman. Through a cat-and-mouse narrative of unrequited attention-seeking, Engman unravels the contradictions of contemporary visual culture as Kitty and Mickey struggle to find each other and themselves amidst the chaos of imagery, technology, and mas

September 2020

Demons from the old black, serpents and silence

Demons from the Old Black, serpents and silence comes from the necessity to combine images that don’t either tell a story nor analyse it but instead focus on a feeling and long to establish a connection with the observer. The author, Luca Baioni, makes a deep reflection about life and death in an era where the use of images, both commercial or with documentary intent, is more than ever in an everlasting delivery loo