September 2023
Livres d’images by French artist and curator Marie-Pierre Bonniol
Thursday 05/10
Marie-Pierre Bonniol / Livres d’images
The French philosopher Jean-François Lyotard suggested that we should stop looking at paintings, music, theatre and writing from the point of view of representation, and imagine them as energy transformers, works that arouse intense affection in their recipients, “or, to put it better, that find their recipients through the intense affection they transmit”.
French artist and curator Marie-Pierre Bonniol is coming from Berlin to Leporello to present for the first time publicly three digital picture books she has recently produced, inspired by this idea of the circulation of affects through artistic apparatus. She will present as well her film Wasser (2021, 22’35), made from over 3,000 rushes and images, on the theme of the transformation of flow into energy, and of subjective thoughts into works of art.
This presentation will be completed by a screening of the full program of her films at Fanfulla on Friday 6 October, at 23h
Carnet d’un passage à Strasbourg (Images book, 2023)
Passage Hapax, Paris (images book, 2023)
L’été au secret (images book, 2023)
Wasser (film, 22’35, 2021, not adapted to people with PSE-Photosensitive epilepsy).
Hours and Infos
Leporello, Via del Pigneto, 162/e – Roma