December 2024
Narratives with images – the photographic book as a tool. A photographic storytelling workshop with Chiara Capodici and Israel Ariño.
The workshop will be held in Spanish at Negra Mosca in Barcelona, beginning on Saturday with a presentation of the participants’ projects to then move on to different exercises analyzing and approaching storytelling through images. We will work together on creating different narratives, more open or closed, that will bring us closer to different ways of telling and interpreting stories.
To participate bring 30-40 printed images of a project you are working on, as well as one or more photobooks that are an inspiration for your work.
Price: 130 euros.
Write here for information and to apply
The workshop will be preceded on Wednesday, January 15th, by a presentation of a constellation of books brought from Leporello and curated by Chiara Capodici:
Books for Thinking, for Discovering, for Imagining.
Hours and Infos
NEGRA MOSCA Carrer de l’Encarnació, 36, Barcelona, Spain 08012