Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

March 2021

Looking at Le Corbusier

Looking at Le Corbusier is the research realized by the photographer and architecture critic Emanuele Piccardo made from 2007 to 2018, on Le Corbusier’s most significant architectures in France. From the Church of Notre Dame du Haut in Ronchamp to the Unitè d’habitation in Marseille, Nantes and Firminy, passing through the Ville Savoye, the Maisons Jaoul, the apartment of Le Corbusier, the Couvent de la Tourette, ending the journey to Roquebrune Cap Martin, a pla

March 2021

10 Macchinine Blu

Silent book. Ten blue cars illustrations, result of an experimental printing process that employs overlapping inks and linocut matrices carved between every run, for a total of 7 runs for every single picture. Each book comes with 2 paper toy cars.

June 2021

Street Portraits

From 1988 to 1991 Dawoud Bey made a series of portraits of African Americans in the streets of various American cities. Using a large format tripod mounted camera and a unique positive/negative Polaroid film that created both an instant print and a reusable negative, he asked a cross section of the populations of these communities to pose for him, creating a space of self presentation and performance in the streets of the urban environment. As pa

June 2021

Typographic Architectures

This publication is an updated reissue of the book designed by Experimental Jet Set and published on the occasion of ‘Wim Crouwel: Architectures Typographiques, 1956-1976’, an exhibition that took place in the beginning of 2007 at Galerie Anatome in Paris. Featuring texts that illuminate the oeuvre of Wim Crouwel, this abundantly-illustrated book analyzes his wide range of production in diverse fields, such as visual identities, publications, posters, exhibitions, and his catalogue work for the Ste

June 2021

L’immagine fantasma

The first volume of the Lampi series is a classic of French literature and, at the same time, of the reflection on photography, translated for the first time into Italian: L'immagine fantasma by Hervé Guibert with an introduction by Emanuele Trevi. L'immagine fantasma, published now for the first time in Italian. Deliberately devoid of photographs, L'immagine fantasma recounts Guibert's connection with photography: his first erotic photographs, a reportage on his mother whose image will nev

June 2021


The book consists of a project realized by Enzo Mari in 1974 and represents a motivation (and a provocation) to link creativity to the constructive capacity of each of us, following and/or modifying the trace given by Enzo Mari's project drawings for the realization of a chair, a table, a closet, a bed... The book Autoprogettazione? (Self-design) resumes the previous publication proposed for a self-design curated by the Duchamp Center and printed on the occasion