Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

October 2023

Un appartamento su urano. Cronache del transito

Uranus, the icy giant, is the coldest planet in the solar system and also a god in Greek mythology. In 1864 Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, one of the first European transsexual activists, developed the concept of Uranusism to define the 'third sex'. Paul B. Preciado dreams of a flat on Uranus where he can live outside of power relations and gender and sexual categories. "My trans status," says the author, "is a new form of uranism. I am not a man. I am not a woman.

April 2021

The Players

This long-awaited publication presents 73 of Mark Steinmetz’s photographs of adolescent and teenaged baseball players, on the field and in the dugout, focused on the game and lost in their own worlds. Made between 1986 and 1990, the photographs are classic Steinmetz: tenderness, humor, and humanism are all present here, as is Steinmetz’s exquisite use of natural light and attention to poetic detail. “The kids in Steinmetz’s photographs are ages 6 to 13, with a few old

October 2023

Il mito della bellezza

"Do women feel free?" asks Naomi Wolf in the introduction to this classic of feminist thought. Analysing and elaborating on the concept of beauty, Wolf takes a provocative and passionate journey through the various stages of a woman's life: from work to sex, from culture to nutrition, from relationships with men to those with other women. "The Myth of Beauty" returns in a new edition curated by Maura Gancitano and Jennifer Guerra, feminist intellectuals and philosophers. T

October 2020

Temporary Life

Earthquakes have opened tears in the fragile geological and social fabric of Italy that are often never mended, leaving deep traces on the territory. After the earthquake that struck Abruzzo in 2009, the photographer Francesca Cao embarked on a path of mapping the country, in search of the residues of past earthquakes, of the emergency architecture, of the attempted and missed reconstructions, which have marked the post-seismic landscape also in the ways and forms of lif

June 2020


Girl Plays with Snake by Clare Strand comprises images sourced from the darkest recesses of the artist’s extensive archive. The project continues Strand’s decades-long engagement with the scrapbooks, magazines and photographs that she has drawn together since her mid-teens. In this iteration of Strand’s ongoing research and reflection, women and girls are pictured holding, playing with and gazing fondly at snakes. Key to understanding the intention of the imagery is the inc

March 2024


Using twelve Pinus pinea pines, Prospettiva illustrates the dialogue between tree species and the urban context of the city of Rome. A relationship that, throughout history, has responded to social, religious and, above all, political interests. Articulated as a prototypical alignment of trees, this photo essay reflects on the role of nature in the construction of public space in the face of ecological challenges and analyses its use in the representation of power. Persp