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AAVV, 1 Milion roses for Angela Davis, 2020

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A Million Roses for Angela Davis was the motto of a 1970–72 solidarity campaign in East Germany in support of US philosopher, Communist, and Black Power revolutionary Angela Davis, who at the time was being held on terrorism charges in California. The large-scale movement firmly anchored the “heroine of the other America” within the cultural memory of a now-vanished social utopia, which after her acquittal welcomed her as a state guest. For her part, Davis had hoped for an internationalist movement promoting a socialist, feminist, and non-racist democracy—the antithesis of her experiences of violence and oppression as a Black woman in the United States.

AAVV, 1 Million Roses for Angela Davis

Mousse Publishing, 2020

Edited by Kathleen Reinhardt

Texts by Nikita Dhawan, Kata Krasznahorkai, Sophie Lorenz, Doreen Mende, Peggy Piesche, Kathleen Reinhardt, Maria Schubert, Hilke Wagner, and Jamele Watkins, and a new interview with Angela Davis

17 × 24,5 cm

272 pages



ISBN 978-88-6749-439-2

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