THIS WEEK WE'RE OPEN FROM TUESDAY 25TH TO FRIDAY 28TH. You can always come by appointment by calling or writing to

Lucas Samaras, ALBUM 2, 2015

30 Euro


1 in stock

Samaras continues his exploration of manipulated images and identity with 700 digitally altered images. Comprised mostly of self-portraits, the photographs reflect the artist’s unrelenting self- inquiry. Among the recent self-portraits, Samaras has interspersed personal family photographs with childhood images of himself, transforming the project into a personal archive and a biographical inquiry. To accompany the exhibition, Pace published a catalogue featuring a new text by the artist in addition to an app, available on iOS, with all of the images in the exhibition.

Lucas Samaras – Album 2
Pace Gallery
24 pages, 19 x 25

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