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Russet Lederman, Olga Yatskevich, Michael Lang, HOW WE SEE PHOTOBOOKS BY WOMEN, 2018

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A “book on books” anthology that documents How We See, a traveling public and hands-on reading room of a global range of 100 photography books by female photographers. In addition to all one hundred books in the How We See Reading Room, the publication includes three essays, an annotated history, reference lists of historical books by women photographers, an author index and a visual index.

Russet Lederman, Olga Yatskevich, Michael Lang
10×10 Photobooks, NYC
Designer: Laura Coombs
2018, first edition. Third printing 2019
305 pages, 24.5 x 17 cm
edition size: 1000 copies
ISBN: 978-0692144299

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