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The halves are men and women in half.
There are the last humans clinging to the slopes of the Adamello, to defend the trees that were there before. There is Eleonora who has been looking for her mother for 35 years. And Elisa, born hearing to deaf parents. There are appellants, who only have a voice and a phone number left. There is the story of a resigned man, in search of his fellow men and a cure for himself. There is the White Dwarf, which is just under a metre tall.
The halves are double-waisted men and women.
Like Lena, who works in children’s publishing and porn production. Like Luca, who now organizes corporate team building in the woods, and yesterday he enlisted in the Foreign Legion. Like Irina being a caregiver in Italy, building a house in Ukraine tomorrow.
Half the places are also: a laundry in the outskirts of Milan that contains two worlds divided by a tent, a town in Liguria crossed by a wall that does not exist.
The halves tell stories of the other half of life, like those of the patients of the Clinic of the Sleep of Pisa: we sent a writer to collect them, and to sleep with them.
The halves are incomplete, broken, missing, plucked and unexplored: like us. And Tom Cruise.
This book-reportage is the second volume of our “Trilogia normalissima”, which opened with “Gli ultrauomini”.
– 13 narrative reports, edited by: Giulia Callino, Lorenza Ghinelli, Davide Gritti, Ndack Mbaye, Valerio Millefoglie, Alessandro Monaci, Gaetano Moraca, Angelo Mozzillo, Donato Novellini, Martino Pinna, Stefano Sgambati, Nicolò Tabarelli, Zeno Toppan, Salvatore Toscano, Michele Vaccari
– 40 photographs from an almost lost archive
– An account of a semi-divine meeting by Stefano Sgambati
CTRL Books
Editing: Nicola Feninno
Photoediting and texts: Michele Perletti, Chiara Generali
40 photographs from an almost lost archive
Narrative reports by: Giulia Callino, Lorenza Ghinelli, Davide Gritti, Ndack Mbaye, Valerio Millefoglie, Alessandro Monaci, Gaetano Moraca, Angelo Mozzillo, Donato Novellini, Martino Pinna, Stefano Sgambati, Nicolò Tabarelli, Zeno Toppan, Salvatore Toscano, Michele Vaccari
Graphic project: Studio Temp
Graphic: Giovanni Cavalleri
Print: Boost SPA, Bergamo
336 pagine, 17.2 x 13 cm