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Lilia Angela Cavallo, IL DIZIONARIO DEI GESTI, 2017

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This dictionary of gestures is first of all an obsessive collection of the ways in which our body desperately wants to take part in dialogue, confrontation.It is the attempt to catalog the large number of gestures that we use and that we do not realize; because we really use them all and they are really many. It is also a didactic work that undertakes research with a scientific method.The meaning that the gesture adds to words, the meaning that changes, the meaning that is implied, without judgment, without too much censorship, but with respect by speaking. A guide for those who do not know and want to learn them. A photo album for those who practice them for some time.

Lilia Angela Cavallo – Il Dizionario dei Gesti
Iacobelli Editore
512 pages, 15,5 x 11 cm

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