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Joan Fontcuberta, La furia delle immagini, note sulla postfotografia, 2018

22 Euro


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The second digital revolution, characterised by the pre-eminence of the Internet, social networks and mobile telephony, and the hypermodern society, marked by the asphyxiation of consumption, have catapulted us into a post-photographic era, in which we inhabit the image as much as it inhabits us. Post-photography confronts us with the challenge of the social and political management of this new reality that is the result of a ubiquitous iconosphere. Images circulate on the net at breakneck speed, they are no longer inert presences, and their incessant kinetic energy makes them active, furious and dangerous. Post-photography thus becomes a context of visual thought that certifies the dematerialisation of images and their authors, dissolving the notions of originality and ownership, truth and memory.

Joan Fontcuberta, La furia delle immagini, note sulla postfotografia

Einaudi, 2018

Translation by Sergio Giusti

13.9 x 2.2 x 21.3 cm

240 pages


ISBN 9788858428221

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