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Teresa Macrì, POLITICS/POETICS, 2014

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Can something poetic become political and vice versa sometimes? From the reflection put by Francis Alÿs in the work Sometimes Doing Something Poetical Can Become Political, And Sometimes Doing Something Political Can Become Poetic comes Politics/Poetics.

What is the meaning of politic and of poetic, and can art merge them? In the book, the author builds a conceptual ellipse in which Francis alÿs and Jeremy Deller are analyzed as two paradigms to which they interpolate Phil Collins, Mike Kelley, Allan Kaprow, André Cadere, Hélio Oiticica, Akram Zaatari, Santiago Sierra, Bas Jan Ader, Lawrence Weiner, Elia Suleiman, Harmony Korine, Group Material, Vito Acconci, Alejandro González Iñárritu and yet Stuart Hall and Antonio Gramsci, Hannah Arendt and Guy Debord and the cinéma vérité in an unconventional affinity of behaviour and semantic deconstruction.

Politics/Poetics discern of concepts and situations that investigating the hegemonic relationships between the field of power and the intellectual field and it discern of  utopic and paradoxical, of absurd and metaphoric, of logical and illogical, of folk and rock, of ironic and rhapsodic, of Mark and Depeche Mode

Teresa Macrì, Politics/Poetics
Postmedia Books
208 pages
39 illustrations

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