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Jalal Toufic, POSTSCRIPTS, 2019

12 Euro


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Small sized text book by Jalal Toufic, published in conjunction with the exhibition Let’s be honest, the weather helped by Walid Raad at Moderna Museet, Stockholm (February 15 – May 10 2020). Joan Copjec about the book: A brilliant, ramifying series of thought experiments, Postscripts rigorously avoids becoming a no-stakes mind game. Here, the stakes – political, aesthetic, ethical – are quite high. For, the experiments are rigged to combust those ideas and stances thatinsufficiently tolerant of counterfactuals – fail to pass their test. Deadly serious and humorous at once, these thought rifts for a moment expose what is unthinkable – but for the creative collaboration they stage between the two aspects of “the mortal, dead while still alive” – before it is once again abducted. Jalal Toufic invents and masters his own transversal genre, sentence by ingeniously-placed sentence.

Jalal Toufic – Postscripts
Roma Publications
160 pages, 11 x 17 cm

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