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Raymond Carver, Principianti, 2014

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Principianti is the original version of Raymond Carver’s second collection, Di cosa parliamo quando parliamo d’amore, published in 1981. On that occasion, editor Gordon Lish cut more than fifty percent of the text, changing many titles and endings. Today we can finally read the stories in their original richness and complexity, to discover the reasons that made Carver one of the greatest American writers of the twentieth century. With a choice of letters from Raymond Carver to Gordon Lish and a note from Riccardo Duranti.

Raymond Carver, Principianti
Super ET, 2014
Curated by William L. Stull, Maureen P. Carroll
Translation by Riccardo Duranti
Contribution from Riccardo Duranti
Preface curated by Paolo Giordano
21 x 13 cm
294 pages
Flexible cover
First edition Supercoralli 2009
ISBN 9788806223748

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