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Jude Ellison Sady Doyle, Spezzate. Perché ci piace quando le donne sbagliano, 2022

19 Euro


2 in stock

Why do we like to watch a woman break down? What attracts us to her vulnerability? It is a spectacle to which we are accustomed and from which we look away with difficulty. This essay opens the door to a gallery of horrors in which celebrities of every era, from Charlotte Bronté to Milev Cvrus, from Britnev Spears to Clinton, have been guilty of not respecting the limits that patriarchal culture had imposed on their lives. Drawing on literature and the tabloid press, Doyle reconstructs the rise and fall of these women, exploring the social phenomenon of the ‘trainwreck’: the derailment from the rails of one’s role that leads to losing everything one had achieved. A book that is an invitation to change one’s outlook, to recognise in a new model of emancipation capable of subverting the rules of society.

Spezzate. Perché ci piace quando le donne sbagliano, Jude Ellison Sady Doyle

Tlon, 2022

297 pagine

13.6 x 2.6 x 18.8 cm


ISBN-10 8831498657