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Katja Stuke, Supernatural 2021, 2021

20 Euro

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‘Supernatural’ by Katja STUKE is the result of a long-term project and limited to 150 copies. The work shows portraits of artistic gymnasts and high diving athletes photographed from a TV screen during the Olympic Games in Sydney, Athens, Beijing & London. “Supernatural – Portraits, since 2000 – is a long term project, exhibited since 2003 and actually shown in Paris at Fiminco Foundation. The singular Olympic Games idea, the particular competition situation directly before the decisive sporting performance, the moment of concetration and the question of the identity and development of girls and women plays a key role in this photographic work by German photographer, Katja STUKE.

Katja Stuke

Supernatural 2021

Böhm/Kobayashi Publishing Project, 2021

21,5 x 27,5 cm




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