May 2024

On the road Sunday May 5th, 11 am - 00 pm,

Incontri visivi, Villaggio Globale -Ex Mattatoio di Testaccio

We are happy to participate again to the Roma Photobook Fair curated by Bibi Portoghese, welcoming photographic projects in book form, fanzines and self-productions dedicated to the research of languages and artistic practices tending to experiment crossings, crossings, trespassing between the arts and possible relationships with the natural social and cultural environment.

Luna and Marta will be present with a selection of books curated by them specifically for this occasion. It is not always easy to reach Pigneto for those who live from other parts of the city, let us know if you would like to see anything in particular from Leporello’s selection, we will be happy to bring it!

Hours and Infos

Sunday May 5th, from 11 am to 00 pm

Leporello, Via del Pigneto, 162/e – Roma