THIS WEEK WE'RE OPEN FROM WEDNESDAY 12TH TO FRIDAY 14TH. You can always come by appointment by calling or writing to

July 2022

On the road July 6th - 10th,

Our safe space for critical thinking on photography | Leporello @leboudoir2.0

Discover the hot topics that leboudoir2.0 and Leporello have carefully chosen to widen and challenge the official program of Les Rencontres d’Arles during the 2022 leboudoir2.0 edition:

Radical changes
A celebration of togetherness
The power of the archive
Cannibal Capitalism
Gather and share

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Leporello will share a keen selection of books based on our hot topics you can enjoy every afternoon @ leboudoir2.0 ground floor from 4 to 7 pm.

Program and bookshop are hosted at:
2bis rue La Fontaine
13200 Arles

Also on display Unfolding Stories, a selection of dummies made by the students of Spazio Labò Biennal course in Photography 2020-22: Vera Bessegato, Chiara Calgaro, Martina Ciconte,Vincenzo Foglia, Anna Michellotti, Grazia Perilli e Luca Sadelli.

Here below our program, keep following us on our instagram accounts!

Wednesday July 6th, 4-6 pm
Radical changes
David Fathi & Sebastien Thon, artists
A critical initiation to Machine Learning imagery. Beware, it is a free workshop for only 10 selected participants. If interested, please send us a pm explaining why you want to participate.
Never as at the dawn of the metaverses we can measure the power of images to create worlds that defy the concept of reality. Once they exist, whatever their roots, they are. What are the opportunities, dangers and responsibilities in our ability to draw the contours of our next continent?

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Thursday July 7th, 2.30-4 pm
The power of the archive
A celebration of togetherness
!!! Special adress – Auditorium – Maison de la Vie Associative,  3 bd des Lices Arles
Marc Lenot, Critic – Ariella Aisha Azoulay, Professor in absentia
In complement to the Red Cross/Red Crescent exhibition at Les Rencontres, an
introduction to “Unshowable Photographs” by Ariella Aisha Azoulay and her critical work on the use of images and archives.
This conversation wants to breed a reflection on the power of the archives as well as on the concept of togetherness in photography.

Many thanks to Ensp library for contributing with additional printed matter to the presentation

4.30-5.30 pm
Gather and share
Sebastian Wells, photographer
soлomiya is an independent magazine
that emerged out of a collaboration between Berlin-based OSTKREUZ photographer Sebastian Wells and Kyiv-based photographer Vsevolod Kazarin in April
2022 in response to the Russian war
against Ukraine. It aims to explore and expose the young cultural and artistic scene in Ukraine, promoting it in both Ukrainian and European cities.

5.30-6.30 pm
The power of the archive
Kateryna Radchenko, Founder and curator of the Odesa Photo Days Festival
Radchenko invites us to an intimate and profound conversation about how people handle personal photo archives and family photo albums in a context of violence and domination.

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Friday 8th, 4.30-5.30 pm
A celebration of togetherness
Mathieu Farcy, artista
A performative presentation of the newly printed “Je n’habitais pas mon visage”
“When I started being a photographer, I told people that I was working “on” a subject : “on” the tourists, “on” the former workers of Goodyear plant. Yet, something was wrong, I felt a discomfort. During the writing of “I wasn’t living in my face”, I understood : I wanted to work “with”, not “on”. It freed me, opened a bunch of new questionings, allowing me to be more horizontal in my work.”

6-7 pm
A celebration of togetherness
Romy Alizée, Artist , Bérangère Fromont, Artist & Laura Lafon, Artist and Art Director of Gaze Magazine
Gaze is much more than a magazine. It is a printed space where to celebrate and foster the female gaze
The team  proposes a reading and a warm discussion about the means to be used to reach the very much needed inclusivity.

7-8 pm
Gather and share
Jean-Marc Caimi and Valentina Piccinni
Fastidiosa book presentation

An unfiltered, personal and intense account of Xylella, the plant epidemic that threatens Europe. Fastidiosa is the result of Caimi + Piccinni photographing the plight of local farmers and environmental devastation in Puglia, southern Italy, over a period of six years. 

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Saturday 9th, 4 pm
Gather and share
Cannibal Capitalism
Rob Hornstra, documentary photographer
Presentation of the last chapter of the ten-years project, The Europeans: the book Notre Maison Ancestrale and the free newspaper L’Argent Gagne Toujours.

Our Ancestral Home is the story of a stunningly beautiful region of Europe where the locals cherish their traditions, speak a mysterious language and pass down the picturesque houses and farms from generation to generation. That’s how it has always been. But tourists and wealthy urbanites have now discovered the region, and the original inhabitants are succumbing to the lure of the exorbitant amounts that outsiders are willing to pay for a rural retreat. “We have sold our country,” activists lament. But who can resist the laws of capitalism?”
Be sure to get a copy of the frantic activist free newspaper with the title Money Always Wins.

5.30 pm
The power of the archive
Cannibal Capitalism
Juliette George, artist
“Talking about economics is important since it has been preempted by economists, these experts whose word is golden. However, the term economy is broader. Contraction of the terms oikos (the house, the domain, the property, the family etc.) and némein which means to distribute, to share, the economy is an administration of goods, a fact of possession but also the way in which this possession is shared, a way of relating. The economy lives to be narrated.”
George will introduce us to her methodology of surveillance and observation of the ever evolving living archive produced through social networking online.

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Come over!

Hours and Infos

July 6th -10th 2022
2bis rue La Fontaine
13200 Arles