Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

January 2020


Well before the spread of social networks and recording methods turned all of us into potential archivists, contemporary artists came up with new cataloguing systems using the languages and media available to them, often taking inspiration from the visual compendia and “portable museums” of illustrious 19th century predecessors, such as Warburg’s Bilderatlas and Malraux’s imaginary museum. From Gerhard Richter’s atlas, a collection of thousands of images used as iconographic sources for pai

July 2020


VUOTO is a transmedial public space created to host: collective surveys on the city as an unstable system; public reflections on unpredictability as a paradigm; physical and cognitive production of landscapes based on the idea of unexpected; research in non-deterministic modes of intervention on the urban fabric. Vuoto is the absence of matter. It is also the condition for something to move. The emptiness attracts: Vertigo and vacuum cleaner have the same operati

January 2021

Naturalisti in cucina

Naturalisti in cucina. Vademecum per piccoli scienziati e buone forchette is the latest addition to the PiNO series, or Piccoli Naturalisti Osservatori, from the Topipittori publishing house, dedicated to the observation of what lives around us, to bring the pleasure of discovery and to the beauty of nature. The book, conceived and written by Federica Buglioni and illustrated by Anna Resmini, is a fascinating and engaging immersion in the natural world starting simply from the

May 2020


Aby Warburg is best known as the originator of the discipline of iconology and as the founder of the institute that bears his name. His followers included such celebrated art historians of the twentieth century as Erwin Panofsky, Edgar Wind, and Fritz Saxl. But his heirs developed, for the most part, a domesticated iconology based on the interpretation of symbolic material. As Phillippe-Alain Michaud shows in this important book, Warburg's own project was remote fr

May 2020


For a long time antiques and art historian has negletcred the contribution of Aby Waarburg. Today he is considered as the one who laid the foundations for an anthropology of the image, a parallel discipline to the history of art, which deals with to outline a wider history of the image as an "anthropological" product and to trace a real history of the gaze. Warburg has revolutionized the traditional framework of these disciplines and the relationshi

October 2021

An Ordinary Story

Nadezhda Ermakova’s An Ordinary Story takes her relationship with her son Fedor, and his relationship with wildlife – more specifically birds – as its premise. The idea for the book was spurred one winter, after she was inspired to shoot a video in Fedor’s room for the home archives. “He began to tell me word-for-word about his dreams,” she says. “We lay on the floor and looked up, and at some point I realised wha