Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

February 2021

Facing the Camera

After the success of the first edition of Facing the Camera, catalog of the homonymous exhibition of New York, London, Toronto and Paris, the second edition is now ready to be printed, revised and enriched with new texts and new images. The volume, a reflection on the photographic portrait in Italy, which traces its contemporary history and styles, underlining its links and breaks with the tradition of painting and portraiture, is enriched in this sec

May 2023


These pictures may be an invitation to my world, but they were taken so that I could see the people in them. I sometimes donโ€™t know how I feel about someone until I take his or her picture. [...] I photograph directly from my life. These pictures come out of relationship, not observation. Nan Golding, The Ballad of Sexual Dependency The title Hardcure was born from a wordplay between "har

May 2023

Glitter in My Wounds

Glitter in My Woundsย is the result of a series of chance encounters. It embraces accident and improvisation in the face of the restrictive categories that pervade art and life. The book is shaped around a series of portraits of the transgender activist and actress Gersande Spelsberg made by the artist and educator Adam Broomberg.ย Spelsberg sat for Broomberg and together they made 100 photographs, shot on 5โ€x4โ€ negative and lit only using the sun and

February 2021

La Bonifica di Bradano e Metaponto. Archivi della Basilicata [Volume 1]

The first of the five books in the Archivi della Basilicata (Archives of Basilicata) series casts a light on the documentary heritage of what is now the Bradano and Metaponto Reclamation Consortium. The book is set out as an investigation into the psychological and political issues connected to the changing landscape, with all the implications on the future to come and the cancellation of the past. This first volume shows the direction that the ser

June 2020


Violence, calamity and the absurdity of war are recorded extensively within The Archive of Modern Conflict, the largest photographic collection of its kind in the world. For their most recent work, Holy Bible, Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin mined this archive with philosopher Adi Ophir's central tenet in mind: that God reveals himself predominantly through catastrophe and that power structures within the Bible correlate with those within modern systems of governance. The format of Broomb

December 2021

Foam Magazine #60 Glyphs

From art, literature and media to academia and internet culture, the visual and the written language have crossed paths many a time, creating a genre of their own. Our interest lies in the current creation and consumption of images and text, which is why the following contributions look closely at current crossroads and intersections of the two. What meanings and stories can one medium give or take from the other? And how can they inf