Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

April 2021

Leaving and Waving

This book presents 27 years of Deanna Dikeman photographing her parents waving goodbye as she left their home after a visit. Just as she was driving away, Dikeman invariably pointed her camera at her parents. What started with a candid snapshot in 1991 turned into a ritual over the years. The book chronicles their farewells as seasons change and years go by, separating black and white photographs from colour photographs. Leaving and Waving — which was originally par

October 2023


QUEER PANDÈMIA is a transdisciplinary project that intends to bring more queer representation in the art world, presenting young artists and authors from the LGBTQIA+ community and involving different realities and creative sectors in a mixture that promotes dialogue, inclusion and contamination. QUEER PANDÈMIA is part of ULTRAQUEER, an exhibition on emerging queer artistic expressions born in Rome in June 2022. The book welcomes a profusion of creative productions with the intention of sho

May 2020


A famous adage (sometimes attributed to Slavoj Žižek or Fredric Jameson) says that it is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. The slogan There Is No Alternative, so dear to Margaret Thatcher, was finally adopted also by the liberal left, and not even the crisis of 2008 was able to scratch the widespread belief that, outside capitalism, it is impossible to hypothesize other ways. But what is the

December 2021

Apples and Pears

Apples and Pears is a re-edition of the homonymous book that journalist Herman Frass published in 1968. Edited by Dutch designer and curator Erik Kessels, the volume is a visual hymn to the plasticity of the fruits originally shot by Frass to document the variety of South Tyrolean apples and pears purposed for liqueur production. The book is entirely printed on Applepaper obtained from pulp and fruit waste.

April 2020


Jean-Christophe Bailly invites us to join the Animal Party as Francis Ponge  invited people to step out of the human rut to take a different look at objects, dedicating a brilliant collection of texts to the Animal Party,. In these essays, Bailly’s journey follows paths that only the vision and the animal existence know how to open us: crossing other ways of inhabiting the world that surrounds us, exploring the inextricable networks of the

October 2023

Il corpo elettrico

"I sing the electric body / the hosts of those I love embrace me and I embrace them / they will not leave me until I go with them, respond to them / and purify them, load them full with the load of the soul". This is how Walt Whitman describes the human body in Leaves of Grass: the beginning and limit of all our actions, the first boundary of the universe. Today, the body placed at the centr