Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

December 2023

Nasser Road/ Political Posters in Uganda

Nasser Road, Kampala: nicknamed the Silicon Valley of Uganda. This road is a mythical place, known for the print trade and as a centre for fraud. From fake identity cards to university diplomas, anything can be manufactured and bought here. This publication draws attention to one of its main products: posters and calendars depicting politicians and people known as superheroes. Don't be surprised if you see pictures of Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden or

January 2024

Woman wearing ring shields face from flash

Odette England collects found photographs showing men taking pictures of women without permission, women rejecting the camera by placing their hands over their faces, men posing with guns, and hands. For England, these images suggest a complex relationship between guns, cameras, and violence against women. There is a shared vocabulary between guns and cameras that load, aim, and shoot. In making these connections, England hopes to surface the problematic visual habits embedded in our cul

May 2024

One a Day

"During the pandemic I spent most of my days on the island. It provided shelter for me and my family. Once a day, the owner of a local vegetable shop burned incense to wish her business good luck. I like to think that, in those difficult times, those offerings provided protection for all of us". Pierfrancesco Celada              

June 2024

Sans lui

Loss, love, family: French artist Sophie Calle explores major subjects that affect our daily lives by shaking our standard patterns and beliefs. In this book, she focuses on matrimonial classified ads published in different media between 1895 and 2019. Culled by the artist and sorted by decades, the women ads looking for men and vice versa, highlight the main qualities sought-after for both genders and love tastes through different epochs. Calle draws up a sociological view of

June 2024


Altravista is a visionary, disturbing, intimate project. The author, Matteo Ribet, at his first publishing experience, worked from an absence: blindness. This book, however, is not a work about being blind. The author starts from an extreme condition and declines it on a universal and symbolic level. A play between the visible and the invisible. It prompts us to question ourselves about how blind we can all be, all of us, in the face of

May 2020


Landย is a story about the place and people belonging to it. A personal reflection on the place where the traditions of different cultures mix with one another, the place that witnessed to events that erupted with the World War II, the place which industrial prosperity is already over, where the past gives way to the present. The book is a summary of his wanderings, it is a photographic diary of travel that ex