Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

March 2019


Woman We Have Not Lost Yet tells the stories of those who lived through the crisis in Syria. On 26 April 2015, the radical Islamic opposition announced the ‘Great Attack’ on Aleppo. Young people from various ethnicities and religions, former participants of Art Camping, gathered in Le Pont gallery. In this artistic and intellectual safe haven, created by photographer and organiser Issa Touma, they could find comfort in each other. The fighting lasted an entire week. Tra

February 2019


Masako Tomiya is a photographer originally from the region of Aomori, north Japan. She has lived in Tokyo for years, and one day, she received news that her sister and sister-in-law, who live near her hometown, were both pregnant. This news inspired Tomiya’s series Kito, a reflection on identity, family, transmission and the passing of time. “Kito” means “homeward” in Japanese. Inverted, “toki” takes on a completely different meaning: “time”. In her poetic s

February 2019


The Promise is the second chapter of Vasantha Yogananthan’s long-term project A Myth of Two Souls, which offers a contemporary retelling of The Ramayana. A seven-chapter tale first recorded by the Sanskrit poet Valmiki around 300 BC, The Ramayana is one of the founding epics of Hindu mythology. Since 2013, Yogananthan has been travelling from north to south India, retracing the itinerary of the epic’s heroes. Between fiction and reality, he deliberate

February 2019


“Exile” is the third chapter of Vasantha Yogananthan’s long-term project A Myth of Two Souls, which offers a contemporary retelling of The Ramayana. A seven-chapter tale first recorded by the Sanskrit poet Valmiki around 300 BC, The Ramayana is one of the founding epics of Hindu mythology. Since 2013, Yogananthan has been travelling from north to south India, retracing the itinerary of the epic’s heroes. Between fiction and reality, he deliberately blurs the lines th

February 2019


The spirit of Hans Bellmer lives in the twenty first century in Kooiker’s monograph "sunday." These limpid outdoor photographs capture a naked fat woman wearing high heels, her white body so bleached that her genitalia are invisible, rendering her doll-like. She poses, faceless, in positions that are sometimes sexual, sometimes motionless and morbid. Around her is a back garden, with a homemade dais for her to pose on, and views of dark trees and bush

February 2019


" Blackout ", the book I have been working on for a long time includes short stories that talk to each other, touch each other change, turning into a single story that is shaped through me. It emerged through the themes that I live in the Dark Side of Istanbul. There are four levels in Blackout. These layers have been linked to the places where I lived, and to the different stories and topics in which I have been inv