Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

October 2021

What are you looking for?

Where does the meaning of a photograph lie? Where do the limits of its authorship, spectatorship and democracy cross paths? These are questions at the heart of untrained Sydney-based artist Luke Le’s photographic practice. In his first major artist book – What are you looking for? – Le reroutes notions of diarism and the impromptu to broach new aesthetic and philosophical terrains. A kind of open letter to a former life in Melbourne, the book for

April 2020


Does an infinite possibility of connection and information really make us free subjects? Starting from this question, Han outlines the new society of psychopolitical control, which does not impose itself with prohibitions and does not oblige us to silence: instead, he constantly invites us to communicate, to share, to participate, to express opinions and desires, to tell our lives. With a friendly face seduces and flatters us, maps our psyche and quantifies it through big

October 2020

Culturale visuale

Over the last thirty years, the rapid evolution of digital technologies has led to the appearance of new types of images and new vision devices, introducing new forms of display and spectatoriality. Faced with an ever-changing iconic and media landscape, it becomes increasingly urgent to develop a series of concepts and tools that can help us understand the technically, socially and historically determined cultural dimension - of images and gaze. The volume first of all reconstru

December 2020

Storie di tre uccellini

Chiò, Chià and Chì are three yellow red and blue birds locked in a cage. How did they get in there? Bruno Munari tells us their stories, making us want to open all those cages and make them come out free and happy. Together with eight other texts, Storie di tre uccellini is part of the historic series of books from 1945 to which Bruno Munari dedicated himself after the birth of his son Alberto. Boo

June 2020


For the past thirty years, Japanese photographer Naoya Hatakeyama has undertaken a photographic examination of the life of cities and the built environment. Each of his series focuses on a different facet of the growth and transformation of the urban landscape—from studies of architectural maquettes to the extraction and use of natural materials such as limestone, as it is quarried via explosive blasts and subsequently incorporated into the construction of new buildings. In par

December 2020

Studio Culture Now

Studio Culture Now is the essential guide to setting up, running and developing a design studio. It offers bang up-to-date advice and guidance for designers working in a world of rapid change. In 2009, Unit Editions published its first book, Studio Culture: The secret life of the graphic design studio. It sold out quickly. Studio Culture Now features in-depth interviews with a host of leading design studios. The interviewees share their experiences, insights, fe