Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

November 2021


A fall from grace, falling asleep, falling pregnant, falling in-line or falling apart: falling is an act both comic and tragic, full of loss and wilful abandon, an act repeated throughout our lives. Reflecting on personal situations of bereavement and new life, Gabby Laurentโ€™s performed choreography of falling is a space for self-reflection, allowing her body to repeatedly give way to gravity and create a visual space to contemplate time, fate and circumstance. Wha

November 2020

Los Angeles Apartments

This is the catalogue for Ed Ruscha's exhibition Los Angeles Apartments which was held at the Kunstmuseum Basel in 2013. In 1965, Ed Ruscha published Some Los Angeles Apartments, the third of his ongoing series of photographic books, and completed a group of ten related drawings that depict examples of the ubiquitous Southern California apartment building. The exhibition showed the preparatory studies for these drawings which were recently acquired by the Department of Prints and Drawings

May 2020


Small sized text book by Jalal Toufic, published in conjunction with the exhibition Let's be honest, the weather helped by Walid Raad at Moderna Museet, Stockholm (February 15 - May 10 2020). Joan Copjec about the book: A brilliant, ramifying series of thought experiments, Postscripts rigorously avoids becoming a no-stakes mind game. Here, the stakes - political, aesthetic, ethical - are quite high. For, the experiments are rigged to combust those ideas and stances thatinsufficiently tolerant of counterfactuals - fail to pass their test. Deadly seriou

January 2021

ciprian honey cathedral

Raymond Meeks is renowned for his use of photography and the book form to poetically distill the liminal junctures of vision, consciousness and comprehension. Inโ€ฏciprian honey cathedral, he brings this scrutiny close to home, delicately probing at the legibility of our material surroundings and the people closest to us.โ€ฏ Meeks has long been fascinated by the way we construct the world around us; how we carry our possessions, these accumulated comforts, inheritances, markers of

October 2021

Il desiderio messo a nudo

A sense of euphoria and vital fullness pervades the universe of Jeff Koons, populated by works that immortalize the fascination of mass consumer goods. The use of mirroring materials amplifies the almost erotic attraction that emanates from these banal objects, and makes them as voluptuous as sirens that seduce the viewer, inviting him to participate in the same idea of success of which they become messengers. Brilliant and maniacal like his sculptures, Koons talks abo

April 2020


Else was born in 2010 along with a book: Radici. A book created together with a group of foreign people recently arrived in Italy. A book that was an opportunity to share personal and collective stories but also to create an object together by learning a printing technique, screen printing, and the basic rules for making a book. The first thing that Fausta and Simone from Orecchio Acerbo, as founder of the group, invited us to