Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

November 2021

Charas – The improbable Dome Builders

Pioneer Works Press, in partnership with The Song Cave, is pleased to present the release of CHARAS: The Improbable Dome Builders, by Syeus Mottel (2017), a fascinating account of six ex-gang members who broke ground to construct a geodesic dome on a vacant lot in the shadow of the Manhattan Bridge after a 1970 meeting with the celebrated and revolutionary architect R. Buckminster Fuller, also known as Bucky. Originally published in 1973, this republication speaks to the iss

April 2020


The title Segni Migranti can indicate in its semantic extension an acceptable binomial: it is the graphic trace of mark – drawing coexisting with the historical reality of the human condition, but also with that of the contemporary migrant. Leaving a mark indicates the power of an action and of a convincing strong idea. In this sense the book is the container of stories in the form of marks and meanings, presenting itself as a pe

February 2022


Night is the dark part of the day. Astronomically, night is created by the rotation of the earth. The light boundary we call twilight, the rising and setting of the sun, is a local phenomenon. The onset of darkness and finally the night itself, are clocks for our organisms and a constant stimulus to our imagination. Night is everything at the same time: a daily, unchanging rhythm, a banal change of light conditions, but als

May 2020


Immediately after Zuma I made some rather straightforward photographs of the abandoned MGM Studios New York City back lot, in Culver City, Los Angeles. These were in black and white.  I then decided to try something entirely different and around 1980 I started a body of work about things you can’t photograph: Gravity, Magnetism, which way water drains, and the things I see when I press my eyes with the palms of my hands. Al

February 2022

Könnte Sein

Katja Stuke films people on the street, mainly from behind or in the act of rushing past — absorbed in thoughts they are captured on film. the looks of the portrayed, however, reveal a peculiar moment of concentration just as if they were aware of the possibility to encounter others and to escape urban isolation. the majority of the por- trayed, whose specific looks, gestures and postures Katja Stuke carefully chose, are modern self-conscious women who

April 2023


AMERICAN POLYCHRONIC presents the first comprehensive catalogue of Roe Ethridge’s work from 1999 to 2022, comprised of two interlocking threads of his celebrated photographic practice. Ethridge’s artistic and personal work is sequenced chronologically, interwoven with his commercial photography in chronological reverse, together forming a vibrant sequence of harmonies and dissonance, hits and B-sides. This long-form sequence moves fluidly between genres in the pursuit of a distinctive visual language — blending and playfully juxtaposing the realms