Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

June 2020


«The conscious creation of the distance between the ego and the external world is what we can designate as the fundamental act of human civilization» (Aby Warburg). The Mnemosyne Image Atlas is Aby Warburg’s latest unfinished project. Fruit of the work of an entire life, the work consists of about 2000 images and represents the synthesis of the research that Warburg had dedicated to the Rebirth of ancient Paganism in the more general context of

December 2019


The result of an artistic pilgrimage to the home and studio of the Italian painter Giorgio Morandi, this new artist’s book by Gary Green is more than a mere tribute. Titled After Morandi, the book presents a real encounter, a dialogue, from which sprang this grouping of photographs that interpret rather than describe Morandi’s artistic legacy. In notes at the end of the book, Green tells us the project was intended as a c

December 2021

Talk Soon

Talk Soon is the wordless quarantined dialogue between Dutch artist Erik Kessels and French artist Thomas Sauvin. Every day, throughout that tumultuous spring of 2020, Erik and Thomas sent one another idiosyncratic, uncaptioned photographs; catalysing an organic, free-associative exchange of some 120 archival images. Atelier Éditions’ author Kingston Trinder then composed an equally free-associative, altogether-whimsical narrative with which to further entwine the duo’s eclectic photographs. These two archives of vernacular photography, one from the East, the

July 2019


On April 30th, 1975, a North Vietnamese tank rolled through the gate of the Presidential Palace in Saigon, signifying the end of the cruel American War and the beginning of a new independent era from Western regimes. More than 40 years later, “Charlie surfs on Lotus Flowers” depicts post-war Vietnam through a sequence of metaphorical responses to its current Hollywoodian limbo between the rise of the free-market economy and the Communist only-one Party that still rule wit

May 2020


Water Tanks Mathare" is a project started in 2012 on the water distribution system in the ghettos of the Kenyan capital. Mathare Valley is a ghetto where about 600,000 people live. It was born as an agglomeration of informal settlements that arose in an area that was originally the great quarry from which the stone was extracted to build the downtown of Nairobi. The water is not free of charge and its sale is outsourced to private i

October 2020

Gianni Pettena 1966-2021

“Gianni Pettena (born 1940, Bolzano, Italy) was a central figure in research regarding the boundary between architecture and art in the later 1960s—a movement Germano Celant dubbed “radical architecture.” Together with the Florentine groups Archizoom, Superstudio, and UFO, and Turinese groups like the Gruppo Strum, Pettena helped expand and redefine the limits of what could be described as architecture, making a fundamental contribution to the ferment that animated, at an international level, city planning deb