Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

February 2021

Interior / Cage

  Silkscreen print from a set of 10 imagesย  in edition of 15 made in collaboration with Else Edizioni on the occasion of the exhibition Collected Collision.   For their exhibition at Leporello, Nico Krebs and Taiyo Onorato worked together with Serigrafia Else on the realisation of a silkscreen print series, re- working their photographic archive of the trips they undertook between 2013 and 2016.     For infos about the still availa

February 2021

Block / Cube

  Silkscreen print from a set of 10 imagesย  in edition of 15 made in collaboration with Else Edizioni on the occasion of the exhibition Collected Collision.   For their exhibition at Leporello, Nico Krebs and Taiyo Onorato worked together with Serigrafia Else on the realisation of a silkscreen print series, re- working their photographic archive of the trips they undertook between 2013 and 2016.     For infos about the still availa

November 2019


Echo is the story of a journey that takes the steps left, known, reassuring and a human scale, undertaken with the desire to dissolve ancient bonds, to go to places still unknown, immense and distant. The latter, however, already exist in a certain way linked to the artist's imagination. The starting world is real, described the present and the past, while the place of arrival is the result of an invention, it is a vision an

September 2019


In an age of technological acceleration and increasing complexity, how can we go back to imagining the potential emancipator of feminism? And how can we reconfigure gender policies in a world transformed by automation, globalization and the digital revolution? These are the questions from which Helen Hester, one of the founders of Laboria Cuboniks, is born. In this new book, which is both a continuation and an overcoming of the original manifesto, Hester considers a d

December 2020

Perchรฉ guardiamo gli animali?

The gaze of a dog, with its silent urgency, can interrogate in a profound way, indicating realities that escape human attention. A hare crossing a frontier, in front of border agents, reveals how arbitrary are the conventions that govern our daily life. Reflecting in the eyes of an orangutan is like traveling through time over millennia, and the glow emanating from a firefly can appear even more cold and remote than that of a sta

November 2019


Published for the Roman Signer exhibition. Films and Installations at the MAN in Nuoro (April - July 2016), A Step Towards the Sea is not just an exhibition catalog but is in effect an autonomous book that tells the relationship between one of the most celebrated contemporary artists and Italy. Signer's relationship with the beautiful country has something special, just think of some of his most famous works shot on the Stromboli volcano, or of various actions