Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

October 2021

Piccola Russia

They say that this place, where you're standing now, used to be under the sea. Then the water receded and left the clay behind. A mountain of clay. And there were sandy marshes, with plants and trees. A park overlooking the valley. Now the sky is black and the smoke from the kilns covers everything. Millions of bricks take shape. A hundred years ago the kiln workers' village grew up around the chimneys. This is Hell Va

March 2021

The Unforgetting

In February 1993, Peter Watkinsโ€™s mother walked from Zandvoort beach into the North Sea to her death. The Unforgetting is the artistโ€™s long-term exploration of trauma, loss, and shared familial memory, all woven into a series of works that have been created over a number of years, and now for the first time come together in the form of a book. At its core, the project explores the tragic loss of his mother to

March 2024

ALEA – 1 / Materia

Matter has always constituted itself as a fascinating and seductive enigma for every human society. After all, it is through materiality that man experiences both his condition as a body among bodies and his historical and cultural power. And if it is true that over time other dimensions have been imagined that are capable of escaping the material ballast of reality - extra-corporeal worlds of pure ideas, translucent spirits and diaphanous entities -, on the other han

February 2019


"These pictures are from every time and from every place. When I look at my contact sheets I often lose myself in memories that I share with the people I photographed. Throughout the years these pictures have become my private diary, with a taste and a language of its own. A small world inhabited by my very own, very real people. For me it is interesting to find that condensed and tender moment. It's an entry into

March 2019


This handmade book explores interaction between photography and theatre as a space for representation. Libretto sees the artist use both her own photos and those from an obscure archive to form a constructed space, akin to a theatrical stage, made of both the real and the imaginary.

November 2019


The catalog presents itself as a moment of inquiry into the perception of the museum and its space-time function. It presents a wide series of unpublished photographic works by Mario Cresci, the result of a research work that comes from the territory, from Palazzo dei Pio and from the city of Carpi. Continuous references between the architecture of the building and the objects that it preserves of the culture and history of Carpi, create a p