Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

June 2020


Formerly announced as Maps and Territories, this collection of essays written by landscape historian Alessandra Ponte, begins with an investigation of the American obsession with lawns and then continues to collectively map the aesthetic, scientific and technological production of past and present North American landscapes. These include the American desert as a privileged site of scientific and artistic testing; the faraway projects of electrification of the Canadian North; the transformation of the notion and per

September 2021

Bugis Houses, Celebes

In 1983, Ursula Schulz-Dornburg accompanied two ethnologists and an architect on a research trip to Tana Toraja on the central Indonesian island of Sulawesi. Initiated by the Royal Tropical Institute of Amsterdam, the trip was intended to “explore the changing patterns in architecture and symbolism among the Sa‘dan Toraja”. On the way back from Rantepao to Ujung Pandang airport, Schulz-Dornburg passed the distinctive houses of the Bugis or To-Ugiq people, perched on the yellow pad

December 2022

Sia lode ora a uomini di fama

In the summer of 1936, Fortune magazine sends a young writer, James Agee, and a photographer, Walker Evans, to Alabama to work on an article about "the daily life and environment of an average white farm family ttavoli." These are the last years of the Great Depression, but the stranglehold on cotton farmers shows no sign of loosening. Agee and Evans decide to immerse themselves in that world, to live in farmers' homes sharing every aspect of their exist

February 2020


Infrastructures is a research-based photo project about the Russian and post-Soviet political economy, created in 2016-2019 by Sergey Novikov and Max Sher. Using documentary and staged photography, as well as writing, they look at and reflect on the political and cultural significance of both the physical infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, pipelines, etc., and 'infrastructure' of thinking and discourse that historically underpin the functioning of the State and power. The 360-page book consists of 50 chapters, each

November 2019


When walking along the shores of Lake Bolsena one is made aware of its distinctive and particular ambience.The water with its many colors and sounds, all of which play a crucial part in the natural cycle of the lake, its flora and fauna. The lake, a fascinating and mysterious place, over which many myths and legends hover. There are several stories about people going missing on the lake, and never found. The most rec

May 2019


Taking Off is a real picture story of a failed marriage, sexual frustration and voyeurism. An extraordinary amount of photographs and cut-up collages comprise an archival vertigo of amateur nude art. Through people she met on a journey through the United States, artist Mariken Wessels gained access to the studio and the entire archive of Henry, as well as full consent over its use. She started redacting the work and arranging it into an art