Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

March 2021

Fotografie 1949-1962

For Robert Rauschenberg, considered one of the fathers of Pop Art, photographs were a fundamental element of his work, co-stars with newspaper clippings and the "objets trouvés" of his "combine paitings". But photography was also a passion that the artist has practiced throughout his life, immortalizing the surrounding world and the companions of his adventure: family, studio, travels to Europe, artist friends including Cy Twombly, Jasper Johns , Willem de Kooning and John Cage, the human body and everyday

May 2019


"From 2013 to 2017, I covered the 2,500 km that comprise the Don Quixote route and other places in the Castilla La Mancha region. I covered the five provinces of the region: Albacete, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Guadalajara and Toledo. In an attempt to create a timeless parallelism between that society described by Cervantes and the contemporary society and thus able to see and assimilate these places, I tried to empathize with Don Quixote. The result is an interpret

April 2021

Summer Camp

Our newest monograph on the work of photographer Mark Steinmetz is a collection of photographs that capture the spirit of youth during trips spent away at a summer camp. "Two projects I focused on were little league baseball [The Players published by Nazraeli Press in 2015] and summer camps. Every year, from spring into summer, one would lead into another and certain things never changed…At summer camp, you have sleeping bags, cabins and camp res. Ther

December 2020

A Moving Border: Alpine Cartographies of Climate Change

Italy’s northern border follows the watershed that separates the drainage basins of Northern and Southern Europe. Running mostly at high altitudes, it crosses snowfields and perennial glaciers—all of which are now melting as a result of anthropogenic climate change. As the watershed shifts so does the border, contradicting its representations on official maps. Italy, Austria, and Switzerland have consequently introduced the novel legal concept of a “moving border,” one that acknowledges the vol

January 2021

Constructed Landscapes

This ongoing body of work consists of staged landscapes made of collaged and montaged colour negatives shot across different locations, merged and transformed through the act of slicing and splicing. The resulting photographs are a conflation, ‘real’ yet virtual and imaginary. This conflation aims to transform a specific place – initially loaded with personal meaning, memories and connotations – into a space of greater universality. In dialogue with the history of photography, Constructed Landscapes references early Pic

October 2023

La mostruositrans

This book is a vindication of the right to be non-identifiable according to physical and psychological gender stereotypes and speaks to all people who do not feel identifiable in a norm or gender. It is a manifesto claiming one's own path, but also an appeal to all those people who recognise themselves in this path. A clear explanation of how urgent it is to restart from a transfeminist approach. Using references to mythological c