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Oliver Sieber, Album, 2019

48 Euro


3 in stock

For this new series Oliver Sieber worked on the street, took portraits of people in varying situations and extract them from these circumstances. The final results are digital collages, adding the cut out-people into different spaces. Different from »Imaginary Club« he did not focus on the face but the figure of the portrayed person: his or her movement, the moment the camera captures a motion, not clearly revealing the situation, freezing the motion of the body to an almost ‚un-real’ sculpture. The relation between sculpture and photography always was of great interest for the artist. Photography can ewoke the illusion of a real sculpture — the impression of a three dimensional object in the two dimensional world of photography. In »Album« the figures are loosely arranged, not according to types, instead the photographer combines the images with shots of street scenes or instagram and other snapshots. In these juxtapositions of different images he creates an ‚album’, a co-existence of diverse ideas.

Oliver Sieber


Böhm/Kobayashi Publishing Project, 2019

26,5 cm x 22 cm

124 foldout pages, 66 images



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