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The book consists of a project realized by Enzo Mari in 1974 and represents a motivation (and a provocation) to link creativity to the constructive capacity of each of us, following and/or modifying the trace given by Enzo Mari’s project drawings for the realization of a chair, a table, a closet, a bed… The book Autoprogettazione? (Self-design) resumes the previous publication proposed for a self-design curated by the Duchamp Center and printed on the occasion of the exhibition at the Milano gallery, to which are added the texts by Mari himself as a comment on this operation, the documentation of what the first release of the project provoked: letters, comments, articles, images, drawings and a reflection on the actuality of today’s re-proposal.
Enzo Mari, Autoprogettazione?
Corraini, 2002
23 x 16 cm
64 pages
Hard cover
Italian \ English
ISBN: 9788887942675