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Sebastián Bruno, DUELOS Y QUEBRANTOS, 2018

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“From 2013 to 2017, I covered the 2,500 km that comprise the Don Quixote route and other places in the Castilla La Mancha region. I covered the five provinces of the region: Albacete, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Guadalajara and Toledo. In an attempt to create a timeless parallelism between that society described by Cervantes and the contemporary society and thus able to see and assimilate these places, I tried to empathize with Don Quixote. The result is an interpretation of a land often misunderstood and ignored, a personal journey that delves into the lives of the inhabitants of Castilla La Mancha. ” – Sebastián Bruno


Sebastián Bruno, Duelos y quebrantos

Ediciones Anómalas

2018, First Edition

Design edited by underbau

23 x 19 cm

84 pages, clothbound hardcover

isbn: 978-84-09-00949-7

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