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AA.VV, Elementum, 2021

35 Euro


1 in stock

A choral work by 5 photographers (Valentina D’Amico, Giorgio Biasco, Mario Capriotti, Adriano Nicoletti and Federico Patrocinio) who questioned themselves on the identity and changes of the Apulian territory. The topics covered open up universal food for thought on how we imagine our future and the exploitation of the resources of our planet. Coastal erosion, plant disease, economic impoverishment, industrial abandonment, are just some of the aspects addressed by the various photographic projects.



Phaos Edizioni, 2021

Photo editing: Massimo Siragusa e Irene Alison

Editorial Coordination: Massimo Siragusa

Art Director: Giuseppe Rosalia Stampa: Miartè Catania

Photography: Valentina D’Amico, Giorgio Biasco, Mario Capriotti, Adriano Nicoletti e Federico Patrocinio

210 x 260


Bodoni binding


ISBN 9788886803745

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